Reedy Landing

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Location: 6895 Old River Road, Baker, FL

County: Okaloosa

Nearby Town: Crestview, Baker

Latitude/Longitude: 30.870119, -86.591803


Reedy Landing is located northwest of Crestview on the Yellow River and accessed via Old River Road.

The site features a concrete boat ramp and a small parking area. Keep in mind the river may be shallow at this launch site and is suitable for canoes, kayaks, and small boats only.

For those interested in exploring the area before getting on the river, the Yellow River Water Management Area features sandhills, upland pine forests, slope forests, wet prairies, and floodplain forests. While on land, visitors may see Florida anise, mountain laurels, and spider lilies – or maybe even a Florida black bear.

The Yellow River protects the natural habitat for the green sturgeon, Okaloosa darter, and endemic mayflies.

The 54-mile Yellow River Paddling Trail showcases the limestone banks along the northern stretches of the river and sand and gravel banks downstream.

Recreation Opportunities

  • Boat launch, boating, fishing, canoe launch, canoeing, wildlife viewing.


No ATV’s allowed.

Motorized vehicles allowed on designated roads only.