CR 99 Pine Barren Creek Bridge [430466-1]

CR 99 Pine Barren Creek Bridge / FDOT FPID 430466-1 / Pensacola Bay System Watershed (Escambia River) / Escambia County

Per FDOT, replacement of the CR 99 Pine Barren Creek Bridge is anticipated to impact an estimated 1.23 acres of jurisdictional wetlands, with a functional loss of 0.82 UMAM.  This impact is not within the service area of any private mitigation bank or NWFWMD ILF project.  Mitigation will consist of restoration of 5.52 acres of forested wetlands at the Mystic Springs mitigation area.

SAJ-2015-03537 SP-MAO (6/30/2016)

FDEP 17-0339616-001-EI (2/22/2016)