Fillingim Landing Canoe Launch

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Location: 2801 Jacks Branch Road, Cantonment, FL

County: Escambia

Nearby Town: Cantonment

Latitude/Longitude: 30.675033, -87.405864


Located approximately 7 miles northwest of Cantonment and accessed via Jacks Branch Road, Fillingim Landing Canoe Launch is a day-use recreation site ideal for launching canoes and kayaks for a paddle trip down the Perdido River.

The site also features hiking trails, picnic areas, pedestal grills, and a portable toilet.

A pair of gorgeous sand bars – one accessible from a short hiking trail that begins at the main parking area – are favorite sunbathing and swimming spots for visitors to Fillingim Landing.

The Perdido River, which is designated an Outstanding Florida Water and Special Water System, flows about 63 miles from southern Alabama to Perdido Bay, forming Florida’s western border with Alabama.

The upper part of the river is a shifting sand river system, which is unique to portions of northwest Florida, south Alabama, southern Mississippi, and extreme eastern Louisiana. The lower end of the river is deeper with a slower-moving channel.

The Perdido is a tannin-stained blackwater stream in its lower reaches where rapidly disappearing pitcher plant bogs, threatened gopher tortoises, migratory neotropical birds, and stands of Atlantic white cedar trees can all still be appreciated.

According to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, the Perdido River and its tributaries are home to several species of rare and imperiled fish including the saltmarsh topminnow and the Gulf sturgeon.

The Northwest Florida Water Management District manages 6,261.22 acres of public lands in the Perdido River Water Management Area.

Recreation Opportunities

  • Picnicking, fishing, canoe launch, canoeing, hiking, wildlife viewing


No ATV’s allowed.

No trailer-boat launching allowed.

Motorized vehicles allowed on designated roads only.

Day use only (no camping).

Alcoholic beverages prohibited.